December 13, 2022

Episode 61

Ep 61: Daniel Steinfeld - Breakthrough The Valley of Despair

In this next episode, we invited Daniel Steinfeld, CEO of On the Block Realty. With his positive outlook on life and his previous career experience before getting into real estate, he was able to successfully grow a real estate business.

Listen and learn not just about Daniel's story, and mindset, but what more can On The Block Realty offer to realtors across Canada. 


Here are some notes from our conversation with Daniel!

- Daniel shared an overview of his career as an accountant in an accounting firm

- We discussed his journey from a different corporate industry to becoming a real estate entrepreneur - to now, together with his wife, owning a real estate company combining a full-service brokerage, with a proprietary online auction platform.

- He also shared some of the challenges and the biggest lessons he learned coming into real estate 

- He talked about how his experience and education as a CPA prepared him to be venturing into real estate 

-  "You can literally make anything fun" - he explains being someone who has a positive mindset

- Daniel enumerates how he determines a person who is fit to be part of the business - from his previous sales career

- He talked about the practices he has been implementing to keep the environment fun while keeping his people in the mindset of growing & learning

- He explains the Valley of Despair on The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

- "Take an extra couple seconds when you have the wins to celebrate."

- He talked more about having a positive mindset - "You don't achieve what you are trying to achieve nearly as effectively with a negative mindset regardless of what it is."

- "Smile is a contagious thing and it doesn't cost you anything."

-  Recommended reading to expand on topics discussed during this episode: "The Happiness Advantage" by Shawn Achor

- Daniel introduced On the Block Auctions Inc., an online auction platform - its process and how it works

- Listen to Daniel's podcast - "Level Up - The Podcast For Realtors”