July 06, 2021

Ep 23: Living A Life By Design


Prior to moving into real estate, Cam worked as a jazz musician and professor. It was his family who led him to finance and enter the real estate industry. He started investing in 2009, got his license by 2011, and has accumulated properties by 2015. It was a rough start for him but he was able to realize the importance of balancing his lifestyle and creating space. 

Cam is now recognized as a regional authority by investors, business owners, and educators. He resides in Hamilton with his wife and daughter. He is a music lover, an avid surfer, a traveler, and a motorcycle fan.

Here’s a brief rundown of our chat with Cam:

  • Cam’s vision and his changed mindset towards success

  • The key learning of creating space and doing it to your people

  • Techniques on how to bring emotional awareness to the team and the success it brings

  • Importance of building relationships with people

  • Finding balance in your career and personal life. 

  • “The neural pathways that get locked into complaints are downward energy or negative spiral and you can interrupt it with gratitude.”

    • There is a sense that things do work out if you keep positive and optimistic about what can be done.

    • Positive mindset can lead to greater results.

    • Being resilient and seeing things with silver lining leads to greater result and success.